Naperville, Plainfield y Oswego

Congelación de óvulos Congelación de embriones / FIV Programa de donación de óvulos Programa de Donación de Embriones Programa de Portadora Gestacional

Overall rating

From 1 review

1 Review

7.5 42 years old, female IVF
Patient in October 2022

Review of Randy Morris

Everything was a 10 out of 10 from the nurses to the office environment and scheduling however; empathy from the Doctor, and a personalized approach were a drastic contrast at a 1 out of 10. Overall despite the multitude of positives it didn’t feel like I was given what’s needed for the chance at ultimate success.

Review of IVF1

If you fall into the sweet spot responsive to the generic protocol I imagine things often go very well. If you’re not a more simplistic case I feel there’s less support where it’s needed and a resistance to protocol evaluation and adjustments based on an ongoing working knowledge of the individual.

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